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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Students gather in the courtyard outside the cafeteria, many of them with caffeinated beverages, a place that is light during the spring but dark during much of the school year. Over the next several years as WHHS transitions to a later school start time, many proponents of the change hope it will help students sleep more and not commute to school in the dark, preventing accidents.

CPS to change school start times

Conrad Kleiner, News & Features Writer
April 29, 2019
In addition to the student-devloped presentations, University of Cincinnati had a host of exhibitions and projects to display to possible prospective students. One such presentation was the UC Undergraduate Geology Club, whose poster board and lots of Geology-related materials were there for viewing.

District Science Fair displays WHHS’ young minds

Abigail Soares, Staff Writer
April 29, 2019
“I wouldn’t change anything because the decisions we’ve made in our past have gotten us where we are today.”
 - Sophia Kramer, ‘22

What decision in your life would you change?

Ryan Hill, Arcade Section Editor
April 29, 2019
Jordan Peele is best known for his work in comedy sketch writing and television. He has since shifted to the horror genre, directing both Get Out and Us. Peele will also voice a new character in the upcoming movie Toy Story 4.

Peele enters The Twilight Zone

Abagail Jay
April 29, 2019
Students at WHHS see going to the South, especially to the Deep South, for college as unappealing. WHHS class of 2018 had 7 students go to Alabama for college.

Sweet Home Alabama?

Caroline Horvath, Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2019
The WHHS Nuthouse came out in full force for many of the fall and winter sports, including boys football. Spring sports are pushing for this same level of attendance at games.

Spring sports attendance woes

Alonna Johnson, Managing Editor of Student Life
April 29, 2019
It was recently uncovered that coaches of various varsity teams at the University of Southern California and other universities accepted bribes to scout and recruit children of wealthy families and help to get them admitted in to the university. This admission scandal, also known as “Operation Varsity Blues,” has caused an outcry from students and parents alike who see this manipulation of the system as unjust.

Admissions scandal exposes unfairness in college process

Chyna Smith, Style and Culture Section Editor
April 29, 2019
Emmanuel Gebremekel, current Class President of the Class of 2020, won his bid for Student Congress President next year.

Student Congress Election Results 2019-2020

Nick Robertson, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
April 19, 2019
Felix Kjellberg founded the Youtube gaming channel PewDiePie in 2010. He held the title as most subscribed Youtuber from 2013 to March of 2019, though the title was retaken a week a later and is still held by Kjellberg as of April 18.

PewDiePie vs. T-Series shows trend in Youtube community

Owen Cummings, Managing Editor of Viewpoints
April 18, 2019
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