Student Congress Election Results 2019-2020


Rehme Leanza

Emmanuel Gebremekel, current Class President of the Class of 2020, won his bid for Student Congress President next year.

The polls are closed and the votes are in, here are the results of the 2019-2020 Student Congress Elections!


The Class of 2023 Vice President election initially ended in a tie, so a runoff was held between April 15 and 18.


Executive Board:

Congress President: Emmanuel Gebremeskel

Congress Vice President: Shiv Malhotra

Congress Treasurer and Secretary: Esme Wright

Congress Technology Manager: Augustus Otto Kindel


Class of 2020:

President: Alma Russell

Vice President: Luke Faherty

Rehme Leanza
Alma Russell, current Vice President of the Class of 2020, won her bid to become President of the class next year.

Treasurer: Megan Adam

Secretary: Caleb Price


Matthew Eggers

Audrey Warren

Anna Carli

Allison Keller

Lydia Graves

Emily Mehnert

Ravi Newman

Anjali Duke de Lanerole

Mackenzie Scudder

Sabina Hordinski

Omari McClinton

Emme Smith

Zach Bahri
Yousuf Munir won reelection as Class President of the Class of 2021.

Brady Tagge

Piper Johnson


Class of 2021:

President: Yousuf Munir

Vice President: Chuyun BonBon Liang

Treasurer: Kenzi Banks

Secretary: Sarah Minning


Alexandra Nelson

Lucy Phillips

Zach Bahri
Melanie Mitchell won reelection as Class President of the Class of 2022.

Dillon Vorherr

Kylie Jones

Srijan Kalva

Cameron Henderson

Taran Ghuman

Zoe Drechsler

Mary Leonardi

Kayla Reidy

Nadyaa Betts


Class of 2022:

President: Melanie Mitchell

Vice President: Kylie Bridgeman

Zach Bahri
Louis Ke won the election to become the President of the Class of 2023.

Treasurer: Elsie Manolis

Secretary: Zoe Williams


Julia Berman

Mariah Couch

Tania Bryant


Class of 2023:

President: Louis Ke

Vice President: Julianna Hrebenach

Treasurer: Thomas Maggart

Secretary: Eleazar Cruz-Garcia


Class of 2024:

Rehme Leanza
Audrey Boyne won the election to become the first President of the Class of 2024.

President: Audrey Boyne

Vice President: Marie Flessa

Treasurer: Kaylee Robbins

Secretary: Logan Symson


Note: Nick Robertson serves as the Student Congress Technology Manager as well as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Chatterbox.