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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Isabel Nissley

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief

In her fourth year as a Chatterbox staff member, Isabel Nissley is ecstatic to work as the Deputy Online Editor in Chief. She hopes to highlight more student voices through the expansion of the website!

For the past three years, Nissley worked with the Opinions and Fine Arts sections as both a writer and editor. When she’s not writing in AP Style, Nissley generates content for Cinci360. She is also a member of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society.

Outside of Chatterbox, Nissley is a mediocre member of the WHHS dive team as well as an overly enthusiastic ice cream scooper.

Nissley hopes to attend college and study journalism, one day becoming a full time writer!

She also is a fan of oxford commas, spending time with friends, and is learning to enjoy running.

All content by Isabel Nissley
Michael Sherman, the Fine Arts Department Chair and theatre teacher, is working with other teachers to arrange remote learning plans for Fine Arts classes. "We want to try and find activities students can do on their own that are relevant, manageable, and creative," Sherman said.

During school closure, Fine Arts Department adapts

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
March 16, 2020
Instruments stand, unused, during the summer months at WHHS. Rentable instruments and other aspects of WHHS' music department are funded in part by Walnut Hills Instrumental Parents (WHIP).

[Photo] WHIP whips up opportunities for WHHS music students

Tobey Logan, Deputy Editor in Chief of Broadcast
February 20, 2020
Joan Kuethe retired Dec. 20, just before winter break, after 30 years as a secretary. Kuethe plans to travel with her husband in the coming months, already having planned three trips.

A lasting legacy as lead secretary

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
January 29, 2020
An impeachment inquiry has been launched by U.S. Democrats. President Donald Trump’s contact with Ukraine is at the center of the inquiry.

Democracy in danger

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
October 18, 2019
Mourners stand in front of a memorial for the victims of the August 3 shooting in El Paso, Texas. A day later, on August 4, there was another mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio.


Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
September 21, 2019
According to the 2017-18 Senior College Plans Survey

[Photo] Sweet Home Alabama?

Caroline Horvath, Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2019
In the last two years, students have become less in favor of a start time change. However, the pro-change sentiment still exists for a majority of WHHS students, according to 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school year polls. The 2018-2019 poll was conducted prior to the Board of Education decision to change start times.

[Photo] CPS to change school start times

Conrad Kleiner, News & Features Writer
April 29, 2019
According to the 2017-18 Senior College Plans Survey

Leaving Ohio

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
April 29, 2019
Monteasia Richardson, ‘23, finds happiness in her everyday life. These things make her optimistic. “I really like cats. I really like good grades. They make me happy,” Richardson said. Richardson’s family also brings her joy.

[Photo] The case for optimism

Sofia Tollefson, Managing Editor of Current Events
March 12, 2019
Nathan Huang, ‘23, is optimistic about “having friends and having my family and having food to eat. I’m just lucky to have these. They make me happy.” To spread optimism, Huang suggests smiling more often and helping out “as much as you can.”

What makes you optimistic?

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
March 12, 2019
More than 3,000 students attend WHHS. We asked them for advice, and The Chatterbox compiled it into a helpful letter to yourself.

A, crowd-sourced, letter of advice

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 19, 2019
Since 1922, the staff of The Chatterbox has been dedicated to reporting #RealNews. Now, as many in Washington D.C. and around the country escalate a war against the First Ammendment, it is important to remember the pillars of journalism and the weight of our work.

Natl. Scholastic Journalism Week 2019 Day 2 – #RealNews

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 19, 2019

One year after Parkland

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 12, 2019
Yousuf Munir and Kayla Reidy, ‘21, were inspired to activism after the Parkland shooting. Munir sees the United States as “pushing really hard for the things that we want and that are good for us as kids and as people and as Americans,” in terms of gun legislation following Parkland. The House of Representatives is composed of a “majority of ‘gun sense’ candidates” and has “introduced a bill for universal background checks,” according to Munir. However, Reidy believes there is more work to do. “I think that we still have a long way to go until everything is completely safe and every school, and I think really the only solution for that is more common sense gun control,” Reidy said.

Student Perspectives: One year after Parkland

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 12, 2019
The Gillette advertisement features footage of men at a grill, repeating the words “boys will be boys.” This mantra is frequently used to justify the sometimes inappropriate actions of young men and boys.

Thank you, Gillette

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
January 29, 2019
A majority of students in response to a Chatterbox poll believe that a smaller homework load will help them get more sleep. An average WHHS student gets less than the recommended 9 hours of nightly sleep.

[Photo] Student left in dark with early school start times

Sofia Tollefson, Managing Editor of Current Events
December 11, 2018
Ice cream shops like Graeter's Ice Cream in Hyde Park are some of the many places people interact with retail workers every day. The next time you grab a cone, think about the person on the other side of the counter.

Holiday Forgiveness

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
December 5, 2018
Howard Wilkinson (left) and Ken Rudin (right) visited WHHS to talk to AP U.S. Government and Politics students on Oct. 30. Wilkinson and Rudin cohost a political podcast published by WVXU.

In defense of the First Amendment

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
November 15, 2018

[Video] Food Crafts – Marshmallow Eagles

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
November 8, 2018
Charlotte Adams, ‘21 competes in archery with a club, and track and cross country with WHHS. Adams is driven to succeed in both sports both by her teammates and herself, often manifesting itself as stress. “Sometimes its a two way street and sometimes its a circle,” Adams said on her stress motivating her.

This student athlete shines a light on sexism in sports

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
October 23, 2018
Welcome to Walnut

Welcome to Walnut

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
September 26, 2018
More than 3,000 students attend WHHS. We asked them for advice, and The Chatterbox compiled it into a helpful letter to yourself.

[Photo] Metal Detectors are not right for Walnut

Brenden Pulte, Guest Contributor, Opinions Guest Writer
September 12, 2018
An Open Letter to CPS

An Open Letter to CPS

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
September 12, 2018
Students wait to file in through the newly installed metal detectors. Metal detectors were installed over the summer as an answer to a wave of requests for increased school security to combat the epidemic of mass shooting in American elementry and high schools.

[Photo] Security changes testing the mettle of Walnut

Chyna Smith, Style and Culture Section Editor
September 12, 2018
Stage manager Martha Dameron, ‘19, ensures that the production runs smoothly. “My role in Pippin is to make sure that the production keeps moving,” Dameron said, “It’s to make sure people are doing what they need to do when they need to do it. On the tech side its a lot of ‘are we on track to get all the props, are we on track to finish  all our costumes on time’ and stuff. During the show I’m generally calling cues so like when you see light changes, that’s me.”

Pippin Cast

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 16, 2018

Peepin’ at Pippin with Lydia Noll

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 16, 2018
Fall Art Show; Making a Statement Through Artistic Means

Fall Art Show; Making a Statement Through Artistic Means

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
November 17, 2017
Declan Robinson, ‘18, Maya Robinson, ‘19, and Clare Brennan, ‘20, all involved with She Kills Monsters, show off posters that illustrates one of the main character’s interest in comics and video games. A variety of student volunteers and WHHS stagecraft students made the set.

Monster of a Show Kills Stereotypes

Isabel Nissley and Joseph Stanichar
October 20, 2017
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