Piper Peanut on exam stress

Piper Peanut

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Courtesy Flickr

WHHS has exams twice a year, at the end of first and second semester, consisting of a half-day period per bell. Many seventh and eighth graders are feeling stress for their first exams of the year.

“Hey Piper, exams are right around the corner and I need help preparing for them. What should I do?”
-Perplexed Penelope


Hi Penelope! First things first, don’t stress about exam week. I know for some 7th and 8th graders, this is their first time taking exams so it can make them worrisome because it’s a new experience. There are many helpful tips and tricks that can lead to a successful exam week. One thing that is very important to focus on that may not seem like it is your diet. Make sure you drink a lot of water. It keeps your mind awake and invigorated and hydration is key. I don’t advise drinking coffee during this week because although it keeps you awake for a good amount of time, it doesn’t necessarily aid your brain as much as water can. Fruits like oranges, blueberries and nuts such as cashews are great brain power boosters as well. It is important to make the most of your morning. Preparation before exam is key as well. Make sure you organize your study area so your brain isn’t all over the place while you study. Using old exams or tests and flow charts and diagrams to practice will definitely increase the probability of passing your exams. Organizing study groups with your friends can also be helpful because you can explain certain ideas and concepts together and it can be fun. Try not to cram and study for exams the night before because it can hurt more than it can help. Give your brain some rest and take breaks in between the times you study. For example, study for about an hour for two days and on the third day take a break. You think better when your mind isn’t so overwhelmed with information. Make sure you are well rested to be able to perform 100 percent the next day. Get about seven and a half to eight hours of sleep beforehand. Follow these tips and you will be successful! When you take your exam, don’t rush. Pace yourself so you are able to answer all questions. Since you get an hour and a half study period before the exam, ask you teacher any questions you have about notes. Making sure to clarify anything you have a question on can be a big help. If you are confused about a question on the exam, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher because there might be another student who is confused on the same thing. Last but not least, don’t cheat! With the many questions you have on the exam, it can slow you down if you try to cheat off of another student or use your phone. Try your best and do what you can do. Don’t push yourself too hard for a perfect grade.

Best Wishes,