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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Trent Willhite

Trent Willhite, Drone Photojournalist

In his second year as a Chatterbox staff member, senior Trent Willhite has enthusiastically taken on his role as a sports writer/photographer and assistant videographer.

Trent is passionate about journalism as well as photography/videography and he hope’s to continue on into college with this passion.

He also is apart of multiple clubs including JEA, Sci-Fi, and environmental club. While occasionally doing volunteer work for students, schools, and churches.

When he is not taking part of those activities, he is usually at a Bengals or FC Cincinnati game. Including researching new ways to create videos for everything.

All content by Trent Willhite
Students at WHHS walked out of class to take part in a national student gun violence protest in response to the Parkland shooting in 2018. Student activists have shown with walkouts such as these that students, even though they cannot vote, can make a change.

[Photo] Peanuts and politics: young students speak out

Kat Swift, Managing Editor of Viewpoints
December 6, 2020
Students gather in the courtyard outside the cafeteria, many of them with caffeinated beverages, a place that is light during the spring but dark during much of the school year. Over the next several years as WHHS transitions to a later school start time, many proponents of the change hope it will help students sleep more and not commute to school in the dark, preventing accidents.

[Photo] CPS to change school start times

Conrad Kleiner, News & Features Writer
April 29, 2019
On March 14, 2018, WHHS students walked out of class during third bell as a part of the National School Walkout. Students gave speeches, registered others to vote, and held a moment of silence for the 17 people killed one month earlier at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

[Photo] One year after Parkland

Isabel Nissley, Deputy Online Editor in Chief
February 12, 2019
Kaepernick kneels before a San Francisco 49ers game.Before leaving the NFL Kaepernick led the team to a super bowl victory in in 2012.

Taking a stand by taking a knee

Trent Willhite, Drone Photojournalist
September 25, 2018
Students crowd in the Blair Circle during a Halloween parade. Every school morning, traffic occurs as parents drive through this circle and let out students.

[Photo] The Blight of the Blair Dropoff

Nadya Ellerhorst, Fine Arts Section Editor
March 16, 2018
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