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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Azariah Cuff

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer

In her second year as a Chatterbox staff member, Azariah Cuff is a Style and Culture contributor and is more than ready to continue writing new and exciting topics that represent the style of the Walnuts Hills students and the culture of our school. 

She likes to explore new activities and go to trendy and upcoming events to provide Walnut Hills with the freshest content and a surreal experience. 

Cuff also participates in Volleyball and the Books for Children Club and hopes to pursue a career in fashion journalism. 

All content by Azariah Cuff
SENIOR Lydia Graves and Yousuf Munir, ‘21, take a break from dancing at the 2019 CAT Dance Marathon. The theme was the beloved 80s. “People honestly just bring what they can, dance as long as they can, and just have fun...that’s the intent of the event,” SENIOR Grayce Thierauf said.

Dance for a cause

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
March 20, 2020
A swarm of desert locusts in the East African savanna. Desert locusts live for about three months. After a generation matures, the adults lay their eggs which, under the right conditions, can hatch to form a new generation up to 20 times larger than the previous one. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said “the insects are breeding so fast that numbers could grow 500 times by June.”

A Biblical plague

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
March 10, 2020
Students in the Green Club come and cultivate the trees from “seeds to sprouts” every Wednesday from 2:35 to 3:30. Volunteer days for the woods project itself are on Saturdays.

Behind the Walnut Woods endeavor

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
February 20, 2020
A multitude of students from all over the Greater Cincinnati area compete in one multiple of the CSCS tournament sections for a chance to win a medal and bragging rights.

Check-ing in on the competition

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
January 29, 2020
Screenshot (52)

A horn in society’s side

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
December 17, 2019
This is an estimate showing the youth local election turnout statistics from 1994-2018. Last year, the midterm election youth turnout has been the highest it had ever been in 25 years.  This trend has seen consistency since 2010.

Teens rising above expectations

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
December 3, 2019
Alexis Miller, ‘24, works on her Latin homework while Shahd Mashali, ‘24, studies her vocab words in the Student Success Center, a place for students to improve their studying skills.

New effies, new entrance exams

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
October 18, 2019
Planet of the vapes

Planet of the vapes

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
October 2, 2019
Pictured (left to right) are: Matthew Menendez-Apponte ‘20, Sushruth Manchineella ‘19, Jack Garry ‘19, Brendan Li ‘19, Alma Russell ‘20, Isabelle Brandicourt ‘19, Shea Britt ‘20, Rowan Chatterjee ‘20. This J.E.T.S team, "Team Swizzle," soared at the National Engineering Competition.

J.E.T.S soars beyond the limits

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
September 17, 2019
The Princess Switch is one of Netflix's many original movies for the 2018 Christmas season.

Netflix Brings Christmas Early

Azariah Cuff, Staff Writer
December 10, 2018
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