Jorja and Gabrielle: Breaking the Head on Opportunity


Photo Courtesy of: Andrea Wilkerson

At their Annual Jack and Jill Family Holiday Event, Wilkerson and Nelson gather around with family and friends from the organization, celebrating all their hard work from the year.

Two Black leaders in this very school, Jorja Wilkerson, ‘24, and Gabrielle Nelson, ‘23, are both active in the nonprofit organization, Jack and Jill of America. 

Jack and Jill has been around for almost 100 years, creating leaders and opportunities for African American students all over the country. By hosting fundraisers, lectures, events and social outreach occasions, they give kids the chance to gain real-world experience and knowledge that they otherwise wouldn’t receive in their normal school and social environments. 

Nelson and Wilkerson, both long-time members of the organization, have gained leadership roles within the organization.

As vice president of the Cincinnati chapter, Nelson assists the president with planning and carrying out events. 

“I generally help with what modules we do at each event, timings of the events, and other details to our gatherings,” Nelson said. 

Nelson originally joined six years ago, mainly due to her mom wanting her to have an outlet with other black students, but Nelson has now made memories and friends she will never forget. 

“[My favorite memory]  would definitely be the national conferences. In September of last year, we went to D.C. Meeting everyone from different parts of the country was amazing and seeing that we all had something in common,” Nelson said. 

As she continues to make memories, Nelson is also grateful for what Jack and Jill has helped her accomplish on a personal level. 

“Throughout Jack and Jill, it taught me to love being black. It also taught me to love yourself for who you are and don’t change for anyone else,” Nelson said.

Wilkerson is in her first year of leadership, as the Super Saturday chairman. Super Saturday is an annual event, open to the public, that gives students from grades eight through 12 in the community an opportunity to spend a day on a college campus and listen in on lectures from successful black leaders from a variety of professions and fields. 

Nelson and Wilkerson work throughout the year, striving to be and create leaders throughout their community. With the help of Jack and Jill, they make it happen. (Photo Courtesy of: Sydney Frost)

Wilkerson has been organizing this event for months and on Feb.19, the event will take place on the University of Cincinnati’s campus. 

Though it is a lot of work, Wilkerson does not regret any of the time she has put into it. 

“What you put in Jack and Jill is what you get out of, and that’s something I truly believe,” Wilkerson said.

Super Saturday is all about creating leaders within the community and that is just what Wilkerson aims to do. 

“I feel like everyone, at any age, is able to be a leader, by any means, and that’s something I definitely [with this event] want people to know.” Wilkerson said.

Black history month is about empowering and uplifting black people, not just from the past, but also the leaders to come.

Nelson hopes to create an impact on not only herself, but as well as the black community. 

“I hope to make other black people understand that they are more than what they think they are and that they have so much potential.” Nelson said.