Homecoming reunites class of 1988

Sydnie Barrett

More stories from Sydnie Barrett

Nut House + 988
March 3, 2023

Matt Madison (left) and Mallory Madison (right) graduated from WHHS in 1988. They met with their former classmates on the patio overlooking Marx Stadium for the Homecoming football game.

At the homecoming football game students from WHHS class of 1988 came back for their 30 year reunion.

Many things about the school have changed since their graduation in 1988, and the alumni are excited to see the new additions, and remember the things that are no longer here. A lot of these changes have come as no surprise to some alumni because they see the school everyday when they drop their kids off.

“There are so many new buildings, except I’m here with my own kids so much,  I’m used to to seeing them” said 1988 alumna Pam McCudden who is a mother of two kids currently attending Walnut.

Nostalgic about their time at WHHS, the returning alumni were happy to see the many changes. They were especially proud to see change brought about by students.

“I’m very proud of how students are taking learning into their own hands and creating opportunities for themselves” said 1988 alumna Alena O’Donnell.

As they watched the varsity football game the alumni were able to see old friends and reminisce about the good times that they had during their time as high school students.

“One of my favorite things about Walnut is the diversity. I was able to meet people from all over the city, and experience the city of Cincinnati through Walnut because of all of the different people” said 1988 alumni Matt Madison.

There was no shortage of eagle pride in the small corner of the stadium where the reunion was held. These alumni are very proud to be able to be called eagles, and hope that students today would understand just how proud they should be of themselves and their school.

O’Donnell’s advice to students now is, “Just know that you are part of a long legacy of excellence, and there is a reason why the school’s motto is ‘Sursum ad Sumum’, so continue to rise to the highest of everything in life.”

In all, the alumni were pleased with all the changes that have been made to their former school.