StuCo elections are approaching with many deadlines and requirements that interested students must meet.
StuCo members act as representatives and role models for the school and have the responsibility to support and create a safe environment for the entire student body.
Class officers and representatives organize grade-level events such as Prom, FROSH and the Twilight Ball. The executive board, consisting of four SENIORS, oversees the class councils and plans school-wide events.
Applications for executive board positions, open to current juniors, will be open from April 1-4. Students can start campaigning after candidates are announced on April 9.
For class officers and representatives, applications will be open from April 22-26 and candidates will be announced on April 30. Class representatives will be limited to 10 per class this year.
All executive board and class officer candidates need a recommendation letter from an advisor, teacher or coach, and 2024-2025 StuCo members have to attend a mandatory “StuCo 101” seminar on May 15.
Executive board voting will be from April 18-19 while class officer and representative voting will be from May 9-10.
For any questions, contact the Executive Board advisors, Ms. Pennekamp and Ms. Hoskins.