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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Jack Commandeur

Jack Commandeur, Sports Writer

During his two years as a member of the Chatterbox staff, Jack Commandeur, Class of 2024, is so grateful for his time writing for the sports section and is excited to see how his classmates grow in the following years. He has no doubts that the current and new members will continue to grow the publication to its best ever. 

Commandeur gained so much experience working for the Chatterbox. He learned how to work within a team, as well as meeting strict deadlines.

Commandeur is appreciative of everything he learned while working for the Chatterbox, as he will continue to use these skills all throughout life.

All content by Jack Commandeur
Russell Corby, ‘24, takes a shot on goal against Miamisburg.

Lacrosse living large

Jack Commandeur, Sports Writer
May 8, 2024
Coach Ashley Davis gives instruction to the field hockey team at half time of an important conference game against Milford.

New beginnings for old teams

Jack Commandeur, Sports Writer
April 18, 2024
Liam Garth, ‘24, leads the Nuthouse in a chant in the first football game of the season against Withrow.

Can’t chant?

Jack Commandeur, Sports Writer
November 15, 2023
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