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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Brooklyn Shafer, Style & Culture Writer

In her first year as a Chatterbox staff member, Brooklyn Shafer is thrilled to work as a Style and Culture writer. She hopes to write articles for each issue that talk about both interesting and fun ideas.

She has already taken both Newswriting one and two. She is interested in furthering her journalism skills and hopes to meet new people along the way.

Shafer also plays lacrosse for the school and a club team.

Shafer hopes to attend the University of Colorado Boulder and study journalism.

Shafer enjoys thrift shopping and finding new coffee shops to try.

All content by Brooklyn Shafer
The Gender and Sexuality Alliance show their pride with decorative posters and bright colors at the annual Club Fair.

[Photo] Coming together for the Club Fair

Lael Ingram, Public Relations and Social Media Manager
September 16, 2021
Sarah Paulson stars as Mildred Ratched in Ratched, Netflix’s new psychological thriller.

Review: Is Ratched Wretched?

Brooklyn Shafer, Style & Culture Writer
December 3, 2020
Many have criticized Disney for the lack of diversity and inclusion in its content, old and new.

Where’s Disney’s diversity?

Brooklyn Shafer, Style & Culture Writer
October 20, 2020
SENIOR Aaron Sequeria committed to swim for Stanford University's class of 2024.  He plans to swim for all of his college years and even continue farther. “I hope to get as far as I can, maybe even stand on the Olympic podium someday,” Sequeria said.

Sequeria swims to success

Brooklyn Shafer, Style & Culture Writer
February 13, 2020
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