Making a difference

Taking action on gun violence in America


Nick Robertson, Deputy Editor-in-Chief

As we, WHHS students, wait in the lines before school every morning, it is important to remember why we are here. On Valentine’s Day 2018, 17 students were killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Fla. In response to this tragedy, hundreds of thousands of students from around the country, including many at WHHS, protested the violence that has plagued the American school system.
It is important to remember when you go through a metal detector, that they are there because we spoke out. Students from around the country spoke out. But little changed. Most gun legislation is still in place. It is still relatively simple to purchase and legally obtain a firearm, even as an 18 year-old student. We cannot forget what we did last spring, and we cannot forget what we were protesting for.
The push for more comprehensive, common sense, gun control has not stopped, and neither should we. It is our duty, as students, to represent the views of all young Americans, and demand these changes that have been long overdue. It is our duty to get involved.

  • Join student organizations. Students Demand Action is a club started last year, focusing on protest and lobbying of gun legislation. They meet Mondays in Kelsey June’s room, 2307.
  • Support pro-gun reform candidates. Volunteer for local, state and federal candidates for public officewho support gun safety legislation.
  • Make your voice heard. Contact your congressman and let them know your views on the state of gun legislation in the United States. Find your congressman at

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