New teachers to WHHS
Tim Vilski
“I’ve always loved [history], ever since I was a kid i’ve gravitated toward history, I love talking about it with people.”
September 29, 2022
Tim Vilski works as a history teacher at WHHS. He describes his first impressions of WHHS, how impressed he is, and the new opportunities.
“There is a lot more that you can do here, so getting used to that is gonna take a while,” Vilski said.
Not only are there countless opportunities at WHHS, but Vilsky also appreciates that the kids are curious.
“I really enjoy the kids’ intellectual curiosity. That’s very refreshing because I’m coming from a place where people are a bit guarded about showing enthusiasm for being in class.”
Vilski doesn’t have large goals for this year. As a new teacher, he wants to get through this year first, then start setting goals from there.
“While I’ve taught all this stuff before, it’s a combination of the 7th grade, which I haven’t taught, [and] new material, so I just plan on getting through the year.”
Teachers have a life outside of school too, and Vilski loves swimming and reading books. Along with this, he is a fan of the Green Bay Packers and the Milwaukee Brewers from Wisconsin, which is where he lived throughout his childhood.
I swim for exercise and for health, so I swim about four or five times a week, and it helps me meditate and calm down. I read every day for pleasure, and I enjoy crossword puzzles too, [like] Sudoku.”
Vilski wants to say that it’s easy to look over all the extracurricular opportunities we have here at WHHS.
“Work hard, and always do your best! The opportunities you have here are just outstanding., Participate in extracurriculars, do clubs, do all these things, because you have to remember [that] most people do not have an opportunity to do half the things that you could do here.”