New JH girls soccer coach Mike Roberts

Elena Brown

Mike Roberts and new assistant coach Taylor Trimboli discuss practice plans. With two entirely new coaches, the team is going through a lot of change this year.

Elena Brown, Managing Editor of Student Life

After seven years as head coach of the girl’s Junior High soccer team, Leland Smith recently decided to leave due to work obligations. Mike Roberts stepped up and took on the role as the new coach filled with excitement.

Roberts has coached various types of soccer teams before, including both competitive and recreational teams.

“I started out as a Soccer Association for Youth, SAY, coach, coaching for our school St. Teresa when my kids were small,”  Coach Roberts said. “I took my own club team and we played in club tournaments and then from there I went and did some coaching at Cincinnati West and some coaching at Kolping.”

For Coach Roberts, coaching is a way to help others. He tries to be a coach that players can look up to and trust. 

“The best part about coaching is giving someone self-confidence and a belief in themselves, giving them a fundamental understanding of what to do and then empowering them to be able to make decisions and play the game,”  Coach Roberts said.

Previous player of Coach Robert’s SAY team, Addilyn Warburton, ‘27, says that she had come a long way because of  Robert’s coaching.

“He helped me become more confident in my playing, telling myself that it’s okay to make mistakes, and I will make mistakes. He helps me with passing and things like that,” Warburton said.

Coach Roberts has multiple goals he hopes to accomplish this season. He hopes to help the girls reach their full potential.

“My number one goal is to have them ready for high school. Our secondary goal would be to work together as a unit as a team,” Coach Roberts said.

With multiple games already under their belt, the team is looking forward to a successful season.

Our defense is pretty fast and we have a strong midfield,”  Iman Divonavic, ‘27 a new player on the team said.  “I think we need to work on just anticipating where the ball is going to be.”  

Other players on the team, including Josie Roberts, ‘28, also agree that the team will succeed. Josie believes the team has helped her adjust to a new school.

“I think we are going to perform very well this year. We have a lot of talent and hustle to the ball. Our shots are really strong,”  Josie said.

Josie is also the daughter of Coach Roberts, which is something that she says can be bittersweet.

“I think a lot of people think being like the coach’s kid is this amazing thing. I mean, for me, it’s a lot of fun and I enjoy having my dad as a coach, but at the same time, there are a few cons. Overall though, I do enjoy it,” Josie said.

All in all, Coach Roberts is looking forward to a hopefully successful season with his daughter and her teammates. 

“It’s my first year in this program, first year in the school. I’m really impressed by the personalities of the team. They’re all really good teammates, and I’m excited to be a part of it. I think that is more than just what the results are on the games or on the field. Being a part of this organization has been rewarding so far. And I’m excited to see where it goes,” Coach Roberts said.