Despite a six-day delay due to the LA wildfires, the Academy announced its nominations for the 2024 Oscars last week. The most nominated movies were Netflix’s narco-musical “Emilia Perez” with 13 nominations, a fan-favorite adaptation of “Wicked” with 10 and “The Brutalist,” also with 10. The full list of nominations can be found here.
The nominations this year are said to be the Academy’s most politically-oriented, diverse and international group of films yet. According to some analysts, this preference for critically-acclaimed art house films will further estrange the Academy from everyday movie-goers. For example, Emilia Perez, the leading contender, received rave reviews at film festivals this summer, but has endured widespread backlash from the public.
Notable films left out from this year’s nominations include “Furiosa,” “Challengers” and “Babygirl.” The awards ceremony will be hosted by Conan O’brien on March 2.