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The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

The Student News Site of Walnut Hills High School

The Chatterbox

Avani Wagh

Avani Wagh, Broadcast Team Member

In her second year as a Chatterbox staff member, Avani Wagh is thrilled to work as a Broadcast journalist. She is determined to make this year her best yet, and is excited to produce various projects with her friends. 

Last year, Wagh was able to be a part of multiple Walnut Weeklys, produce Arcade Attacks and create a fashion forward segment on the environment. This year, she hopes to continue Arcade Attacks with her friends and start a new segment on Friday Night Sports at WHHS. 

She is also a DE&I representative for the class of 2027, on Cincinnati’s YSPC Council and a proud St. Elizabeth volunteer. At school, she hurdles for the track and field team, and helps lead Desi African Culture Club and HOSA.

Wagh loves everything science related, and hopes to major in biomedical engineering. She’s unsure which college she wants to attend, but dreams of one with a good library, and wants to be on the coast.

This year, she is taking ceramics, and is thoroughly enjoying the class. Despite the quality of her creations, Wagh has fun learning and hopes it will help her relax. 

She also enjoys going on runs, calling her friends and exploring the city with her sister.


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