Piper Peanut: on balance

Hey Peanuts!

It’s me Piper, here to give you a few pointers about how to balance school and extracurriculars! As a former Peanut myself I know how stressful it can be coming home from a long day of school to mountains of homework and worrying about how much sleep you’re going to get. My first tip is to create a schedule and stick with it. Fill in all your important school activities first, then extracurricular responsibilities then set aside a chunk of time for homework and studying. My next tip is to give yourself time to rest and recharge. It’s important to give your body and your mind some cool down time to prevent over stressing and overworking yourself. My third and final tip is to make the most of your free time. It’s understandable that your weeks may be packed full of school activities and you may not have a lot of free time, but use the time that you do get wisely and try to take some time to yourself to unwind. This will greatly improve your mental health and you’ll find that you’re less tired. That’s all for now, if you have any other questions, feel free to submit them to room 2306 during your lunch period.

From your very own,
Piper Peanut