Piper Peanut: on life at WHHS

Hi fellow 7th and 8th graders!

It’s me, Piper, here to tell you all the new dish of being a junior high student at WHHS. I’m sure some of you are struggling with fitting in at this huge school. Don’t worry, I’m here to help!

One thing I wish someone told me when I was in seventh and eighth grade is new ways to get involved in the WHHS community. Joining clubs and sports is one of the best ways to make new friends and participate and something you enjoy.

If you think there isn’t a club for you then you should check out the WHHS Website, <walnuthillseagles.com>. There, you can see the information for all the clubs we have to offer. You can even apply to start your very own club!

Don’t forget to send in any questions or concerns you may have and always remember, have a great day!

From your very own,

Piper Peanut