Cum Laude initiates rise to the highest


On April 18, eligible SENIORS were initiated into the Cum Laude Society. The Cum Laude Society honors SENIORS with remarkable scholastic achievement.


Initiates include SENIORS Sakura Adachi, Stacey Afriyie, Rayan Ahmed Ahmad Alrefai, Nathan Barron, Elleka Boeres, Naomi Bronzie, Daniel Bruce, Allison Calkins, Shaam Chkir, Lillian Clark, Dane Cline, Katelyn Cotton, Cara Coy, Noa Dagenbach, Uyen Dao, Nazret Degaulle, Julianna DiBenedetto, Sarthak Dighe, Matthew Dillon, Miles DiNardo, Graham Dunwoodie, Austin Dyson, Luke Early, Sara Elliott, Gus Elovitz, Noah Esmail, Tess Fightmaster, Ellen Flynn, Avery Frank, Danielle Frazier, Aaron Gibson, Abigail Gross, Charley Hamon, Benjamin Heitkamp, Julianna Hrebenach, Nathan Huang, Gemma Huber, Miriam Johnson, Louis Ke, Quinn Kelley, Alexa Kendall, Gavin King, Garrett Kirsch, Lydia Knutson, Miriam Knutson, Maria Kristinsdottir, Prisha Kumar, Joshua Lerma, Aiden Limoco, Joanna Lin, Avery Littman, Ella Lucas-Palmer, Nicolas Luginbill, Sofia Moliterno, Samantha Neubauer, Ty Nguyen, Eliza O’Keefe, Neena Ott, Molly Pentecost, McKenzie Rehrer, Abigail Riddle, Natalie Roell, Makan Sacko, Neil Sampath, Komaljot Sarai, Isabel Schemmel, Grant Schwiebert, Margo Shappie, Lauren Simon, Fatoumata Sissoko, Annalise Smith, William Smolinski, Rebecca Smyth, Abigail Soares, Riley Soutar, Pilar Steward, Kate Stiens, Joseph Stroup, Alexander Sullivan, Maya Sundararajan, Katherine Swift, Sylvie Tiro, Katrina Tobler, Evan Tombragel, Leyden Van der Bent, Katrin Vilinsky, Griffin Wheatley, and Kyle Williams.


This year, the Distinguished Scholar who will speak at graduation is SENIOR Louis Ke. The Distinguished Scholar is chosen from the top 20% of students graduating Cum Laude who have attended WHHS for at least five consecutive years.

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