Photo Courtesy of Rafia Maricar
Ramadan is a holy month celebrated by Muslims across the world, and all able Muslims, which includes kids who have hit puberty and healthy adults, are expected to fast everyday. When fasting, you don’t eat or drink, including water, from sunrise to sunset.
This creates a dilemma for students that need to fast during the school day. This issue becomes especially prevelent for Muslim students athletes who have practice and games.
Rafia Maricar, ‘26, has been fasting for more than six years. While being a club soccer player who practices four hours a week, her practices come to an end right as Iftar, the meal that breaks your fast, begins.
“Usually we break our fast during sundown, and since practice ends around that time, it’s really inconvenient,” Maricar said.
Some try to find a balance between athletics and fasting, for example Arshya Maricar, ‘26, who has been playing club soccer since she was eight, finds that corresponding with her coach helps her best.
“I usually just fast as normal and play my game, but I talk to the coach beforehand and let him know that I’m going to be fasting,” Maricar said.
Makan Sacko, ‘23, a member of the WHHS varsity track team practices about two hours everyday and some of his meets interfere with his fasting, causing him to break his fast at a track meet. Sacko finds that the first week of fasting is usually the worst and after that it doesn’t usually affect his athletics.
“I feel great fasting but the first week is usually the worst,” Sacko said.
The small portion of student athletes who are fasting all have different experiences during the month of Ramadan.
“Although fasting during the season has sometimes been hard, my coaches have been understanding,” lacrosse player Bareen Abdulrahman, ‘26 said. “I have been playing better than ever during this season.”